type | code | source | W | V | EC | mm | kg | lm |
DENTAL WAVE 5000K PEND | 6511005001 | LED | 73 | 230 | A+1] | 1495x561xh285mm | 20 | 9257 |


The most characteristic features of DENTAL WAVE lighting fittings:
- design improving the ergonomics of the doctor's and assistant's work
- unique design
- dedicated luminaire for dental
- precise technology that allows uniform illumination of the entire PCV foil surface evenly
- sources of light: LED
- powder-painting in RAL colours
- lighting fitting with hygienic approval
- concept Dental Wave: arch. Grzegorz Woronowicz ROMIDENT/LAKO
- conceptual support: dr. Dominika Drezner - Ilczuk
Energy-saving LED lighting:
- lighting of dental offices
- lighting of dermatology offices
- lighting of beauty salons


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